Category Archives: Business

Coco Natura x EmPHorium: Exploring the Wonders of Coco Sugar

This weekend, Coco Natura had the incredible opportunity to join a YouTube livestream hosted by EmPHorium, where we shared the story behind our Coco Natura Coco Sugar. The event brought together health-conscious consumers, and potential international buyers eager to learn more about this natural sweetener and its business potential. For international buyers, in particular, the […]

Coco Natura Joins the 2024 Katha Awards for Food: A Celebration of Philippine Excellence

On April 26, 2024, Coco Natura was honored to participate in the prestigious 2024 Katha Awards for Food, an event hosted by the Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions (CITEM). The Katha Awards serve as a seal of Philippine food innovation and creativity, challenging entrepreneurs to push the boundaries of flavor and product development. […]